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1889年苏州老照片 卡尔·博克摄

时间:2021-09-28 10:52:49    编辑:历史魅影    收集整理:天下老照片网


卡尔·博克(Carl  Bock )1849-1932,挪威人,探险家,曾在荷属东印度群岛工作,瑞典和挪威驻上海总领事。目前关于他的信息非常少。本组照片来源法国国家图书馆。这组照片标注的标题是《上海、苏州及其周边地区》,照片共有21张,其中上海5张,苏州16张。

照片以书页形式展现,每张照片镶嵌在中间,下方手写几行标注,一般第一行写的是《Carl  Bock  photo 1889》,下方是地点及基本描述,


Soochow, the twin pagoda built about A. D. 1000;


Soochow, the methuselah pagoda built about A/. D. 248, with city walls in the background;(苏州 瑞光塔)

Soochow, the Wu Liang Dien, or beamless temple; (开元寺 无梁殿)

Soochow, détails of the Wu Liang Dien, or beamless temple;(开元寺 无梁殿)

Soochow, the Confucius temple, a magnificent, venerable structure; (苏州 孔庙)

Soochow, arch in front of the temple, where the Emperor's tablet is Kept;(庙前拱门  那个庙?孔庙?)

Soochow, on the canal in Soochow with Tiger Hill pagoda in the distance;(虎丘宝塔  云岩寺塔)

Soochow, ancient incense burner in the City Temple;(城隍庙?)

Soochow, the sword pool and Thousand men rock near Hoh-L?'s grave, Tiger Hill; (虎丘剑池附近)

Grave of Hoh-Lq, first Soochow King near Soochow;(虎丘 剑池)

From a Chinese garden;

Ia Woh Lake, graves on the island Tongding San; (太湖 洞庭山)

Ia Woh Lake, graves on the island Tongding San;(太湖 洞庭山)

Ia Woh Lake, graves on the Island Tongding San;(太湖 洞庭山)

Ia Woh Lake, monumental portal in the village on Tonding San Island; (太湖 洞庭山)

Ia Woh Lake, Bridge on the Island Tonding San; (太湖 洞庭山)




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