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埃德加.盖洛《中国十八省府》 1911年 全套影集

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《Eighteen Capitals of China》(中国十八省府)是20世纪初美国著名旅行家William Edgar Geil的著作。其内容为作者在1911年前对中国内地的十八省府进行了广泛而细致的考察。书中含有百余幅插图、老照片,书页上还有大量中国谚语。此英文版出版于1911年。

William Edgar Geil(威廉·埃德加·盖洛)是20世纪初美国著名的旅行家和地理学家,曾四次到中国长途旅行,对中国的长江、长城、十八省府和五岳进行了广泛而深入的考察。盖洛敏锐地意识到20世纪初的中国处在社会大变局的前夜,故而在1911年前对中国内地的十八省府进行了广泛而细致的考察。在考察过程中,盖洛注意考察和记录中国社会各阶层的新变化。为我们展现了20世纪初清朝灭亡前夕真实的社会图景。盖洛还大量收集中国的地方史志资料,对各省府的历史掌故进行介绍,并和西方城市发展作对比。


插图一:The beautiful Big South Bridge, remote Kweiyang 贵阳南大桥

插图二:Map of Wu-Han 武汉地图
插图三:Feng Hill Gate and “Night Basket,” Hangchow 杭州凤山门和“夜篮”
插图四(左):Making a Horn Lantern Globe on Great Street, Hangchow 制作喇叭灯,杭州
插图五(右):Beautiful Vertical Signs on Great Street, Hangchow 杭州街头美丽的招牌
插图六:Yuan-the-patriot 元烈士
插图七:Great Peace Bridge, Hangchow 杭州东河太平桥
插图八:The ancient Pagoda of the Classics, Lin Yin Monastery, Hangchow 灵隐寺理公塔,杭州
插图九:The beautiful Monk’s Rest Bridge, Lin Yin Monastery, Hangchow 灵隐寺僧息桥,杭州

插图十:Dog Worshippers — from the mountains near Foochow 福州周边山上的畲族
插图十一:Head-dress of a Dog-worshipping Aboriginal 畲族头饰
插图十二:The White Pagoda, Foochow 福州白塔(报恩定光多宝塔)
插图十三:Foochow Field Woman 福州乡村女性
插图十四:North Tower, Foochow 福州北塔
插图十五:”Paper Burn” on Fairy Peach Place, Black Rock Hill, Foochow 福州乌石山桃仙祈福“纸炉”
插图十六:A Foochow Ceiling 福州的一处屋顶样式
插图十七:On Kite Hill, Foochow 在山上放风筝(福州旧时有重阳放风筝的习俗,福州城内去乌山,南台的人去大庙山,仓山的人去烟台山。此处直译为“风筝山”,我认为不妥。)
插图十八:Putting up the Good Luck Characters 写祈福词
插图十九:Tombstone of First Foreigner murdered in Foochow. Dr. Ohlinger, the oldest missionary in the City 福州第一个外国人的墓碑。奥凌格博士,最年长的传教士。
插图二十:First M. E. Church built in Asia. On Great Street (suburb), Foochow 亚洲第一个M.E.教堂,福州街头

插图二十一:The Sea Guard Tower 镇海楼
插图二十二:View from the ” Five-Story House,” Canton 广州镇海楼观景
插图二十三:A Canton Canal 广州扶胥古运河
插图二十四:Scene in Canton 广州一景
插图二十五:Canton, from “The Ancient History of the City of Goats” 广州,摘自“羊城古钞”
插图二十六:Flushed Cloud Fairy Cave

插图二十八:Aboriginal Women snapped at Wan Tien, Kwangsi 广西土著妇女
插图二十九:Below Yangseh, Cassia River, Kwangsi, enroute Wuchow to Kweilin.广西梧州到桂林,途经阳朔桂江(漓江)。
插图三十:Pinglo on the Cassia River, Kwangsi 桂江(漓江)边的平乐古镇
插图三十一:The Modern Prison School at Kweilin 桂林现代监狱学校
插图三十二:The Great Middle School, Kweilin in remote Kwangsi 偏远的广西桂林,一所伟大的中学
插图三十三:The new Hall for the Provincial Assembly at Kweilin. Ruins of the “Imperial City” are still standing. Gold and Purple Good Luck Rock, in the background 坐落在桂林的新省政府,靖江王府的废墟还在,背后是读书岩。
插图三十四:An Historic Room at Kweilin. Here convened the first Provincial Assembly in the Province of Kwangsi 广西第一次省议会遗址
插图三十五:Portrait of Chang Min-chi, aggressive Governor of Kwangsi 两广总督张鸣岐
插图三十六:The City of Kweilin from the Kweishan Pavilion where the Governor and distinguished scholars gave a banquet in honour of the author

插图三十七:The famous Pagoda church, French Catholic, at Kweiyang 贵阳北天主堂
插图三十八:Blue Miao Women, with bare knees, wearing kilts. Near Kweiyang 贵阳附近的蓝苗妇女,短裙,露出膝盖。
插图三十九:Kweiyang, Capital of Kweichow 贵阳,贵州省会
插图四十:Big Flowery Miao — Man and Wife, Anshun, Kweichow 贵州安顺大花苗夫妇
插图四十一:Big Flowery Miao C. I. M, Bible Class, Weilingchow,6 Days from Anshun.大花苗读经班
插图四十二:First hospital erected in Kweichow. Also the first ever built for the Miao 贵州的第一个医院,也是有史以来苗族地区第一个医院。
插图四十三:Flowery Miao Women in gala garments — at Lanha Tien 花苗妇女盛装
插图四十四:Stone Honorary Portals northeast of Anshun, Kweichow
插图四十五:Pailo outside the Hong Pien Men, Kweiyang 贵阳红边门牌楼
插图四十六:H. E. Pang Hong Shu, distinguished Governor of Kweichow 贵州巡抚庞鸿书

插图四十七:Map of Yunnanfu, highest Capital in the Central Glory 云南府地图,最高荣誉
插图四十八:Parrot’s Beak Mountain 英武山
插图四十九:On the Road from Chowtung to Yunnanfu 邵通去云南府的路
插图五十:The Golden Temple northeast of the City of Yunnanfu, built by Cheng Yong-ping in the Ming Dynasty
插图五十一:Hiahsen-tung is in the northwestern part of the City of Yunnanfu. Built in by gentry and a priest called U-Hong

插图五十二:Entrance to the Wu Shan Gorge, Yangtze 进入长江巫峡
插图五十三:Soochow, Gubernatorial Capital of Kiangsu 江苏首府苏州
插图五十四:Fish Pond in the “Life Saving Garden,” Soochow
插图五十五:The Old South Gate Pagoda, Soochow, Kiangsu, China 中国江苏苏州旧南门宝塔
插图五十七:Peach Blossom Canal, looking toward Fragrant Flower Bridge, Soochow—Venice of China 苏州古运河,东方威尼斯
插图五十八:T’si Men Canal, looking north, Soochow — Beautiful Soo
插图五十九:Main Building, Soochow University 苏州大学主建筑
插图六十:”The Custom’s Bridge,” Soochow 桥
插图六十一:Soo’s South (Water) Gate 苏州南门
插图六十二:The Great Pagoda from near the Execution Grounds 刑场附近的塔
插图六十三:Twin Pen Pagodas, nearly years old, near the Examination Hall, Soochow 苏州双塔
插图六十四:The Ink Pagoda, feet high, near the East Wall, inside inner moat, Soochow
插图六十五:South Horse Road Bridge, over the T’si Men Canal, Soochow 苏州南马桥
插图六十六:Soochow Examination Halls adjoining the Twin Pen Pagodas 双塔附近的苏州贡院

插图六十七:Nanking (金陵省城图)
插图六十八:Map of Northeast Kiangsi 江西东北部地图
插图六十九:Tuan Fang, the progressive Viceroy, caged the Ming Tomb Elephants to prevent foreigners chipping off mementoes. Nanking
插图七十:Kiangsi Vase 江西瓷花瓶

插图七十一:Buddhist Stone on the Execution Ground, outside the North Gate, Anking 安庆北门外刑场前的佛语石刻
插图七十二:Famous Medicine Stone at the East Gate of Anking 安庆东门内著名的符咒石
插图七十三:Anking-on-the-Yangtze, Capital of Anhwei 安徽省府,长江边上的安庆
插图七十四:The Old Mint of Anking, now a gun works and electric plant 原安庆铸币局,现为兵工厂和发电厂

插图七十五:Chang Tien Si, The Taoist Pope
插图七十六:The Horne Bible Seminary taking lessons in botany, Nanchang 南昌的霍恩圣经神学院在上植物课
插图七十七:The Great Nanchang Pagoda near the C. I. M. A Lucky Spot 中国内地会驻地附近的南昌城南塔位于一块风水宝地上
插图七十八:Old Examination Cells at Nanchang 南昌贡院的棚舍斗室

插图七十九:Musical Instruments used by the blind fortune tellers of Wuchang 武昌瞎子算命用的乐器

插图八十:A famous Cannon on the wall of Changsha called “The Red-haired Great General” 长沙城墙上一门著名的大炮,“红发大将”
插图八十一:A Beggar who rolls through the streets of Changsha 长沙街头的一个乞丐
插图八十二:Dr. Geil, Gov. Ts’en (in the centre), and distinguished officials who accompanied the Governor when he called on the Author at Changsha 金邦博士和州长(中间)以及陪同官员在长沙
插图八十三:Yang Hsi Shao, brilliant scholar and second convert of the C. I. M. in Changsha
插图八十四:On the River at Changsha 湘江
插图八十五:The son of Li, who at six years of age, could repeat the Sermon on the Mount without a mistake 李的儿子,六岁就可以背诵“登山宝训”
插图八十六:On the Tung Ting Lake 洞庭湖
插图八十七:A Chinese deed 一封中文契约
插图八十八:Ulcer patient at Dr. Keller’s Hospital, Changsha 长沙凯勒医院的溃疡患者

插图九十:Shrine built by Old Ladies at the South-Gate- Bridge, over one of Liping’s Canals, at Kwanhsien
插图九十一:Salt Wells at Tzeling, Szechwan 四川井盐
插图九十二:Hall of the Provincial Assembly of Szechwan at Chengtu 四川省府

插图九十三:Lanchow, Capital of Kansu 甘肃省会兰州
插图九十四:Tibetan Prayer Wheel, southwest of Lanchow, near Jaochow 兰州西南的藏族转经筒
插图九十五:Among the “Eight Sceneries of Lan” is the Wo Cantilever Bridge, a footbridge over a small stream flowing to the Yellow River just west of Lanchow “兰州古八景”中的“虹桥春涨”,指卧桥(亦称握桥),在雷坛河上。

插图九十六:Sian, Capital of Shensi 陕西省会西安
插图九十七:There are beautiful Private Parks in the Ancient Capital Sianfu 1911年美国地理学家盖洛拍摄的西安城私家园林
插图九十八:The famous “Big Tower,” nine li south of Sianfu 大雁塔

插图一百零一:A Family of Yellow Jews at Kaifengfu 开封府的一家黄犹太人
插图一百零二:”Summer Rest” of the Ts’eng Brothers’ Memorial, Kaifengfu
插图一百零三:Honan Hall of Assembly, Kaifengfu 河南省参议会大厅


插图一百零四:Tsinan, Capital of Shantung 山东省会济南
插图一百零五:Hedgehog eating Chinese musk-melon 刺猬吃西瓜
插图一百零六:The Moon. From an Ancient Tablet at Tsinan 古代济南月亮图腾
插图一百零七:The new Public Library in Tsinan 新济南图书馆
插图一百零八:Oldest Native Christian in Shantung, a Presbyterian. Tsinan 最年长的山东基督教徒,一位长老。济南

插图一百一十:Son of Peace Street, Peking 北京和平大街
插图一百一十一:Outer Gate Tower, Ping Tzii Men, Peking 北京平则门外
插图一百一十二:View of the new Peking Water Works from the East Wall 在东城墙上看北京新水工程



文件名:中国十八省府.Eighteen Capitals of China.By William Edgar Gei.插图照片.英文版.1911年

如果你对此书完整版本感兴趣,可以下载此完整版《Eighteen Capitals of China》(中国十八省府)

书名:中国十八省府.Eighteen Capitals of China.By William Edgar Gei.英文版.1911年




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