《The great wall of China》(中国长城)是20世纪初美国著名旅行家William Edgar Geil的著作。其内容为20世纪初西方人对中国长城全线的全球第一次徒步考察记录,内含照片一百多幅,向人们真实地展示了100年前中国长城的原始风貌。此英文本出版于1909年。
插图:Strongly fortified Pass of the Great Wall at the Rocky Gorge of Taokwankow
插图:Three Views of the Harbor of Chin Wang Tao
插图:The Village of Ch’ach’ien Kow as seen from a lofty tower on the Great Wall
插图:The Great Wall climbing the Mountains of Chihli
插图:The First Gate in the Great Wall, which is also the South Gate of Shanhaikwan
插图:”The Last Gate” in the Great Wall, which is also the West Gate of Kiayukwan, 1250 miles from the “First Gate”
插图:Outside the Mule-Horse Pass. The Wall is seen ascending to the utmost summit of the mountain
插图:The Junction of the Great Wall with the City Wall of Shanhaikwan. The Pavilion was erected to the God of Literature
插图:Curious Circular Tower outside the Malan Pass in the Province of Chihli. It is so situated that the nearby Gate in the Great Wall is effectually guarded
插图:Buddhist Temple of Almsgiving, near the City of Flowering Obedience
插图:Over 4,000 feet above the sea, and overlooking the Pass of the Lily Pool
插图:View of the Great Wall north of Peking, where the tourists go to see the most wonderful wonder in the world. Notice width, excellent workmanship, and different style of brick work arising from the terreplain
插图:Notice the construction of the Wall. This fashion is seen in lofty mountain regions near the Eastern Y
插图:Near the Eastern Y in the Great Wall
插图:The Eastern Y
插图:Temple dedicated to the God of War at the Mule-Horse Pass in the Great Wall
插图:Top of Section of Mountain Wall sealed with mortar and stone. Mule-Horse Pass
插图:Guardian Gods at the Mule-Horse Pass
插图:Side view of the “Tourists Great Wall” north of Peking
插图:Overlooking Lienhwachih. Within one hundred miles of Peking
插图:The Great Wall west of the Eastern Y. Altitude over 3,500 feet above the Pacific Ocean
插图:A superb view of the Wall, ascending a mountain over 4,000 feet high. The view was taken from a lofty cliff near to, but west of the Eastern Y
插图:The Veneering of cut stone has fallen away exposing the rubble construction inside. This is peculiar to mountain regions. Northeast of the Thirteen Tombs
插图:The celebrated “Language Arch,” or Hexagonal Gateway at the Nankow Pass. The North Face is here shown (the South Face is the same design). The Arch, the crown and haunches of which form the sides of a hexagon, is 20 feet across at the base, 30 feet through, and has 5 Buddhas on each side of the flat haunches. In the perpendicular wall on either side are large tablets of granite with inscriptions in divers languages
插图:Dr. W. A. P. Martin in the Western Hills near Peking
插图:Coal Hill, inside the Imperial Palace Grounds, Peking, where the Last of the Mings hanged himself
插图:Three thousand feet above the sea. The Great Wall ascending a mountain north of the Thirteen Tombs
插图:Tower No. 41 Ch’s Tzu at Tushancheng
插图:How the Wall climbs the ridge of Ssweikow north of the Wutai Shan
插图:A Picturesque View
插图:At the Taotuan K’ou
插图:Near Lienhwachih not far from Eastern Y
插图:Mark the line of the Tower Wall at the left. Near Lienhwachih
插图:Granary School in Liaochao
插图:A view in the Imperial Ming Reservation, situated north of Peking in the Metropolitan Province of Chihli
插图:North of Peking is scenery which in the future will attract the tourists and travelers of the world. The ensemble of the Great Wall here rivals anything in ancient Greece
插图:The historic “Cliff Tower” Sanholow. Notice the three distinct fashions of construction. Four thousand feet above the sea and about 300 miles from the Gulf of Chihli
插图:Gate in the Great Wall at Kalgan
插图:The Arsenal Tower to Paishih Kou. White Stone Pass, sixty li from Futuyeh, containing two interesting tablets
插图:Futuyeh Pass, showing exceptionally fine workmanship. Note decorations over the doorways
插图:The “right-angle” fortifications at the Yiyuankow of the Great Wall
插图:A detached tower at Haiyeh in Chihli. Granite foundation resting on the living rock, and brick work rising to the top of the battlements
插图:Two views of ruins of the Great Wall at Shiching. Twenty li from Gingpien, in the Ordos Country. The lower picture shows a house built into the Wall
插图:In the Ordos Country. Portions of the Great Wall have been completely covered and preserved by the sand
插图:Loess Cone of a Great Wall Tower. The brick veneering has wholly disappeared
插图:The Ruins of the Last Tower in the Great Wall
插图:Desert Hamster
插图:”Kangaroo Rat.” Jerboa
插图:A Chinese “Pygmy” or Dwarf and a Giant near the Great Wall East of Yenkingchow
插图:Moone, the Great Detective
插图:Black Dog and the girl-faced Quin
插图:The Bird of the Great Wall: The Indian Blue Magpie
插图:The small picture in the upper left hand corner shows how he appeared when our expedition reached Kiayukwan
插图:The eight famous Churtons Kumbum, on the border of Tibet; also the Temple of the Golden Roof
插图:The Beautiful Bridge at Chinchow, the ancestral house of the Chins
插图:In Oldest China: Natives of the Ordos Country near Hwchi
插图:A near view of the sealed Pass of Huangholu
插图:The Great Wall north of Tsunhwafu
插图:A section of the Northern Loop of the Great Wall
插图:In the region of the Picturesque Pass. Superb view of the Great Wall erected by the Emperor Wan Li at Chachienkow. The Wall follows the natural contour of the mountain
插图:Photograph taken from a lofty elevation, showing the Terraced Wall in the foreground, and the main line of the Great Wall on the sky line. Overlooking the Picturesque Pass, Chachienkow. Altitude 4,000 feet
插图:The South Pagoda of Ninghia City of the Quiet Summer. Native skill and artistic design united to produce this strictly oriental structure. Its size and decorations command the admiration of the beholder. Like all pagodas it has an odd number of stories
插图:Spurs run off from the main line of the Great Wall to protect a hill overlooking the east and west structure. The above is one of many between the Yellow Sea and the Yellow River
插图:One of the two large Pagodas of Liangchow, Kansu. This beautiful bit of scenery is immediately in front of the Buddhist Convent of Nuns
插图:At the famous Loraa Pass in the Great Wall. Fortified Camp in the Pass itself. Near Tsunhwachow
插图:Arsenal Tower at the Chiankuling Pass
插图:Section of a Tower
插图:One of the beautiful Towers at Copper Green Pass
插图:A famous opening in the Great Wall, the Loma Gate. The fracture in the otherwise well preserved masonry is a relic of an earthquake
插图:The Great Wall as seen at the Narkow Pass, showing the Pa-ta-ling Gate
插图:Peculiar doubling of the Great Wall east of the Loma Pass. Notice the entrance to the tower is through the inner port cut down
插图:A very remarkable view of the Great Wall at Natzu Yu
插图:A Fortified Farmhouse near Tu Nien Tse in the Province of Kantsu
插图:A Picturesque Pailo at Yungchang Hsieu in Kansu Province
插图:The Great Wall at the Shweikwan Pass. Notice the extraordinary curve in the masonry and admire the grit and skill of the men who planned and built
插图:A superb view of the lofty Huangholu Pass and environment
插图:I asked at Liangchow and words replied: “In the year of the Mohammedan Rebellion the faces of the dead could not be recognized, so they collected the whitened bones and erected the White Bones Pagodas to remember them !” —Black Dog’s Diary
插图:The towers here have three sets of ports to each. There are battlements on both sides as if to defend from friend or foe. East of the Yellow River
插图:A superb view of the Great Wall ascending from the lofty Huangho Lu Pass
插图:Two views of the same tower at Shichingtsi, Province of Kansu. The pictures show how the Wall was joined on to the Towers
插图:A Picturesque View
插图:The Club House and Stock Exchange in Sianfu, where the exchange price of Silver is fixed every day
插图:Two Memorial Arches near Sianfu, erected by Governor Lu, one in honor of his mother, and the other in memory of his wife. Ten miles from the Mound of China
插图:In the Loess Country, showing a new bridge constructed after an ancient design of tied-loess
插图:Feng-huan-tai in Hsienyang, one of the oldest buildings in the city. It was erected in honor of a Lady of the State of Chin, B.C. 897, who could blow the musical instrument called Siao. She was not to be given in marriage to any man who could not play the same instrument. Finally a poor man came who played the Siao. He was set to play three days and three nights, when the King of the Wind came and took them both away, no one knows where to this day. The father of the lady erected this Feng-heung-tai to her honor
插图:Historical Bridge near Hsienyang, 10 li from the Ancient Capital of Chin. The pillars are made of round stones similar to those used on threshing floors
插图:A binary granite base resting on igneous rocks partially supports a Wall making an almost perpendicular ascent
插图:The Good Luck Pailo which stands two li east of Kiayukwan, which city is seen in the distance
插图:The Last Gate of the doomed city of Ku Chang Tsi, situated 65 li west of Shan Tan, Kansu
插图:A Picturesque Flour Mill at Shueimokwan, Kansu. Many of these horizontal wheel constructions are seen in Northwest China
插图:View of Chin An from Temple Hill
插图:Ancient “Tower of Babel” Fort on the Great Wall near Yulinfu, five days west of the Yellow River. The usual tower appears considerably out of repair, at the left of the picture. Sand has drifted over the Wall
插图:Irrigating wheels in the Yellow River. Hoisting the water slightly higher than the fields, it is led to the desired points by shallow trenches
插图:An Evangelist of the China Inland Mission who labors near the Great Wall
插图:Two views of the ruins of the Tibetan or Sining Loop of the Great Wall. This stretch does not appear on the present maps
插图:The author’s fast mule caravan crossing a desert stretch near the Western End of the Great Wall
插图:A Tibetan encampment of black tents as seen by the expedition when on Taobo Shan, Northeastern Tibet
插图:Henry French Ridley, hero of Singing in Tibetan Costume
插图:This photograph of the modest but beautiful China Inland Mission home at Chinchow was taken from the roof of the Church
插图:Rubbings of two sides of the famous I Shan Tablet in the Forest of Monuments, Sianfu, Shensi, China
插图:Dr. Geil and one of his guides on the Ta Obo Shan in the Koko Nor Country of Tibet
插图:Northeast of the Thirteen Tombs. Showing double parapets for reversible defense
插图:Two Prominent Gentlemen of Northwest China
插图:A Tibetan Prince
插图:Kiayukwan and the Great Wall, as seen from the Southwest desert
插图:East Gate of the Suburb Kiayukwan, Western End of the Great Wall
插图:Inside the East Gate of Kiayukwan
插图:Goitre is the “Disease of the Great Wall.” Supposed to be caused by impure water. Many persons are seen with it, among those living along the Wall
插图:This tablet stands alone on the desert outside the west gate of Kiayukwan, final fortification of China. “The Martial Barrier of all under Heaven”
插图:The Big White North River. The western end of the Great Wall is seen on the left abutting the verge of a perpendicular cliff some 200 feet high
插图:The western end of the Great Wall overlooking the big White North River
插图:Newton Hayes, M.A
插图:Shweik’ou in November
插图:The Magic Meteor, which deflected the Wall from its natural course
插图:”The Last Brick.” Dr. Geil at the end of the Great Wall
William Edgar Geil(威廉·埃德加·盖洛)20世纪初美国著名旅行家、英国皇家地理学会会员。1865年出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州的多伊尔斯顿城。盖洛受过严格系统的地理学专业训练,对中国的历史文化抱有深厚的兴趣。1903年首次来到中国,从上海乘船逆流而上,沿途考察了长江流域的人文地理,写下了《扬子江上的美国人》(1904)一书,受到西方读者的欢迎。此后,他又数次来到中国考察,走遍了大江南北、长城内外、三山五岳,连续出版了《中国长城》(1909)、《中国十八省府》(1911)和《中国五岳》(1926)等一系列著作。

文件名:中国长城.The great wall of China.By William Edgar Geil.照片插图.1909年
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书名:中国长城.The great wall of China.By William Edgar Geil.英文版.1909年